
Latter Day Yoga is the blending of traditional yoga poses with the message of Christ as the center of the intention set each time we practice yoga. The intent of Latter Day Yoga is to improve physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the lives of those who participate in the community.

We believe that our body is a temple given to us by our Father in Heaven, and this temple is the house of our Spirit. We believe that through the use of regular physical yoga practice that is centered on a gratitude for the blessings of the gospel of Christ we draw closer to Him. We set our spiritual intention by using all of the Latter Day scriptures that have been revealed to us in our day.

We believe that by working body, mind and spirit together through the practice of Latter Day Yoga we will grow closer to Christ and to our Father in Heaven.

The physical benefits assist us to become healthy and more able to serve the Lord in all things that we are called to do.

The mental benefits developed on your mat will follow you out into the real world and prepare you for all the trials that face us all.

The spiritual benefits are the greatest blessing of participating in Latter Day Yoga. If done regularly, practitioners will find they are taking more of their free time to focus on the gospel of Christ. Moments of clarity will come as you intentionally focus on the truth of the gospel and mindfully apply it to your life at a logical and deep emotional level. The result is a greater clarity in life and a greater sense of gratitude for the blessings we have been richly given.

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